Monday, July 31, 2006

new house

shocking. i am moving again. this time, into the mini city of Lancaster, the city that grew up a short drive from. the city that, by the way, is the best little city I have ever seen. my sis and are essentially housesitting/renting from a guy that is in the renovating an old poorly decorated house (think 2 layers of floral print wallpaper). so, (logically?) my sis and i have been helping this guy finish this house because we are moving in for a year while he's away and we want to live in a house that is livable.
so, today i spent 6 hours ripping old carpet off the floor to expose undamaged hardwood. but the best part was that i was sweating. i working hard on something with an attainable aim and saw my results. and that, was such a relief from the (occasionally) mudane tasks of writing resumes, writing a book and making lattes.
so, yes, today was good.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

it's been too long

so here's my funny story. my great intentions of being one of those cool blogging types has been distracted by my lack of motivation. so now it's been, what, 2 months since my last blog. i now live in a different state, back to my hometown and just about equally excited about this place as i was 6 years ago when i left it.
they do have a little coffee company here, where i'm making lattes for a living until i can put my Masters-in-something-intangible to use. but nobody around here seems to want me.
my dog died last month. that really sucked.
i'm still working at writing a book. perhaps i will blame the book on why i never write blogs, or anything else for that matter. every bit of my precious writing energy is excerted for that book.
i'm hanging my photos to sell in a cool cafe in the nearby city this month. that's pretty exciting. since i spent an obnoxious about of money on photo stuff and never have opportunity to earn anything from it.
but, this is my current life. a bit dry. a bit mundane. a bit confusing and irratatingly uneventful.