Thursday, July 05, 2007

chicago, me, and my list of accomplishments

has it really been this long? this has become the blog about how i am bad at blogging. Yesterday i flew home from a chicago visit that had been the first time I seen that beloved city since I moved away a year and 2 weeks ago. I went to a friend's wedding, plus managed to see (almost) all of my few remaining Chicago friends. and, the trip reminded me that it seems as though virtually nothing has happened in my life since i left that city a year ago.
However, just to remind me that my life is not without current purpose, and to encourage myself in the continual process of trancient waiting, here is my list of what I have accomplished in the last year:
1. I have managed to get reaquainted with a few friends from my past, even when the thought of that was so daunting after being gone from my hometown for so long.
2. I have visited Pittsburgh, NYC, Philadelphia, and Chicago.
3. I have travelled to Italy with my mom where I consumed my body weight in pasta for 10 glorious days.
4. I have helped start up a youth group at my church
5. I have taught a semester of public High School, reaffirming my love for High School students.
6. I have completely remodeled my bedroom in my parents' house.
7. I have figured out how to keep my sanity while living with my parents as a 25 year old.
8. I have saved money.
9. I have finished my book to the point of editing and (if possible) publishing.
10. I have to fought to keep my love of God true even when nothing is happening, even when I'm bored and lonely and frustrated, and even when life is stuck.

And there we have it, a post for myself, to remind me of year has been.