Tuesday, January 23, 2007

italians and love

I never expect to have fun these days. I think that might be my problem. Too many months of writing papers, followed by little disappointments, followed by an unsatisfied curiousity of my hopes, etc. And then i went to Italy. These last 10 days i have been there. In that glorious country that seems to better understand life's priorities (or atleast my priorities). It holds family more important than success, espresso breaks as more important than the work, beauty as more important than gain. I had such magical fun. Truly i was swept off my feet, brought to a place of disguistingly precious enjoyment and I had fun. I drank wine and espresso and rubbed shoulders with the locals. I saw art so famous I couldn't comprehend it's full significance. I watched the beautiful people and wondered at how i find a way to move to this country. I love Italy for a thousand reasons, but most fully because I love the way those people love there. They love the things I want to love.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

here here!!! you should move there. Just do it. Who cares about balancing checkbooks when you could be writing in Venice on a gondola? (this is your long lost, now found, friend chaia)