Monday, September 24, 2007

in 48 hours from now

I'm quite close to my plane ride to Korea. It's a little over 2 days away. I've packed 2 large suitcases, each with precisely 49 pounds and I am wondering at how I ever thought of myself as a simple life person. I have so much stuff that I am leaving behind, hoping I won't miss it too badly these next 12 months.
My nerves are numb. I am scared, freaked out and nervous. And only a little excited. Not because I'm expecting Korea to suck (which, yes, I admit, I'm err on that side right now), but because I hoping so badly that it doesn't. And I figure if I don't get too excited, anything is bound to be better than what I'm fearing.
If you looking for what to pray for me:
My hope? To be delightfully intrigued with this year enough for it to go wonderfully fast. Because I do want to to be good. But I also am excited to be on the other side of this year. Hopefully wiser, hopefully culturally enlightened, hopefully stronger and happier, and maybe even clear on what to do with my life.
But also, pray that I am not suppressed in the expression of who I am.

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