Thursday, December 09, 2010

a few things i love...

i hate when people ask me to list my favorite music, food, movie, friend, etc. i hate choices. i even once made a list of my top 10 best friends because i couldn't imagine having only one (are you all wondering if you made that list?).

but these are some things i certainly love:

#1. to eat and to drink coffee. the joy of life. most of the food/drink places that i love are those that are connected to wonderful memories with wonderful people. i will always love third coast cafe on dearborn st. in chicago. their scones will bring you to tears. it is the only place i have found in this country that satisfies every occasion i ever have for an eating establishment. it was the place to study, the place to go have a heart-to-heart with a good friend, the place to gather, the place for wine, coffee, dinner, breakfast, conversation.

#2. i especially hate the favorite music question. i love almost all of it. and, i don't say that in a "i'm too shallow to think for myself" kind of way. i really do love music in most forms. i do, however, find myself drawn to music that is sad and calming. like, william fitzsimmons, for example. that man sings about mostly sadness and goodbyes. but his songs are so beautiful, so heart-wrenching, so fresh. he sings about divorce and leaving, and i feel like a teenager who is pretending she knows adult-sadness when i listen. but, i find the tears that he provokes weirdly encouraging in a "oh good, your life is periodically awful too" kind of way.

#3. i love a good dark belgian beer. the one that has impressed me most in the last 6 months was the Ommegang Abbey Ale. that beer moved my soul and it could move yours as well.

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