Tuesday, May 16, 2006


i just got off the phone with a friend from my Bible College days. a friend who is living out the confusion of having such a passion to DO SOMETHING profound for God, but who is stuck in the financial binds and the geographical binds and the singlehood binds that come so unwarned to the mid-twenty somethings who actually don't go straight from high school to college to marriage to perfection. She said a bit about comparison. The thing is, it is not always the assumed who are 25 and married with children. Sometimes it seems to be the unlikely. She is approaching her 10 year high school graduation and the thing is, in high school i thought i'd be married by 22. We all did. And it is not fair (to ourselves, to the others, to God) to compare our lives with the lives of unparalleled others. We are not the same. But, it is hard not to. It is hard not to see the unlikely people from our past lives who are doing exactly what i thought I wanted to be doing right now. And, to see people like me stuck in limbo between lives and dreams and confusion. But, as my friend pointed out, it is not as uncommon as we often think to be single and living with your parents and still feel a slight bit confused. In fact, bring it on. Bring it on if it is going to teach the lessons and clarify the confusion and even bring fullness to these lives of ours that are currently so far from the perfection of anything.

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