Monday, December 03, 2007

farewell, my eskimo friend dudebuddy!

it's not like i've never said goodbye before. it's not like hannah has even been my friend for that long. it's just this place. this situation. it makes you ache with loneliness to the bone. and makes loosing the one friend you have burn like fire in your belly.
before hannah left this morning, we had accumulated a list of 53 things we have in common. things that are fairly unique. though i'm confident there were more that we never wrote down, seeing as hannah's memory is terrible.
i've spent all day fighting tears. loosing against the tears more often than not. everyone is hugging me and telling me it'll be ok.
and it probably will, but...
again, it's this place, the daunting thought of 9 more months here, and the reality of having someone so like-minded, so similar, so funny,...gone.
though the people here are sweet, no one here really gets me.
and, though hannah hasn't been my friend for very long, she got me.
and, it's just this place. this situation. the lonliness. the 9 months looming over my head.
it really helps in surviving a bad situation to have someone who gets you.

peace out dudebuddy.


Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry to hear of your intense lonliness Laura...where is Hannah going?

Anonymous said...


my heart hurts for you because i understand what it's like to be alone in this country.

it's only 'til february...then we'll all road trip through cali! :)