Sunday, December 09, 2007

in less than 4 days...

i am soon to board a plane bound for the americas.
first, i fly to tampa, to a friend's wedding.
then, on december 17th (a mere 7 days away) i'll be home for christmas.

i am craving fish tacos.
and hamburgers.
and coffee that does not come pre-sweetened and sell for $4 a cup.

i'm craving driving.
and being able to drive when and where i want to.

america will doubtedly go too fast.
i'll be back in korea sooner than i'd like to think about.
so, we'll not think about it.

1 comment:

Brent said...

Hey Laura Ko-ni-chi-wa oh whoops wrong Asian country. I am so excited you are having such an experience! How did you get there? I mean, if there is a wardrobe that leads to Narnia maybe there's a cupboard or something leading to Korea. . .hold on. . .gotta try something. . .ok i'm back and no, the cupboard under my bathroom sink does not lead anywhere. I just bumped my head. Wow Korean food is soooooo yummy! I could eat Korea. All of it. The whole country. Well maybe not at one sitting.

My mother says "Hi" and her thoughts and prayers are with you and she hopes you are feeling well and a lot of other nice stuff. She suggested I see what craziness you are up to. Teaching is never boring, huh? What do you teach them? Do you do partner or group work? Do they draw pictures? We have fun drawing pictures in my German and Spanish classes. But two weeks until Christmas break and there's snow outside and I swear they all eat chocolate-covered espresso beans for breakfast so it's a little crazy kind of like this run-on sentence.

So have a great trip back for the holidays and let me know what they serve on a Korean airline for food. Is it a 2-movie or a 3-movie flight? My e-mail is I don't have a blog. Ciao!

Brent Weaver