Saturday, March 22, 2008

beautiful in asia

i've found the ideal way to boost my self-esteem. simply live in asia. or, i suppose in any place where blond hair and blue eyes are not the norm. here, in this land of the dark haired and dark eyed, i am unique. and, being unique brings on the compliments daily. if not hourly.

here, i am beautiful.

last night, in midst of a few koreans, i received the following comments. this, mind you, is one evening out of 6 months. and this, i promise, is very typical:

"do you have a boyfriend in america? i'm sure you do. you don't? i don't believe you, you're too beautiful."
"you have beautiful hair, the color is so wonderful, i want to steal it." (this said while holding some of my hair)
"you look like you exercise a lot. you do, i'm sure. you are so in shape." (huh?)
"you have a voice like a professional singer, wow."
"your face is so thin." (huh?)

seriously. if you're having self-esteem issues, come to south korea. they layer on the comments like a religion.
leaving this might be the hardest thing about leaving korea. does that make me vain?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello "Beautiful"!
I have just caught up on your life since the ice cream cones back in late February. OHMYWORD! I still MARVEL at all of the amazing experiences you are having. I am cracking up reading through many of the posts: The blue eye blond hair phenomenon, movies at midnight, heart shaped coffee cups (I actually have some of those), the cruise, the food and the new digs, the kids, oh and did I mention food? Keep the posts and pics coming and keep soaking up every cultural experience that you can. You are doing a great job of that so far! Take care Laura!
PS. You're not so vain, you are beautiful!