Tuesday, April 01, 2008

abundant rain and pushy grillers

it's been raining a lot here of late. the people around here claim that the rain frequency is abnormally high though, they claimed the same about snow frequency. i'm just beginning to think maybe it's just a memory problem.

Pushy grillers
last weekend (that is, not this past weekend but the one prior) a couple of the teachers went to a party at one of the church parent's house. chris (another american teacher) and i were asked to grill the meat, "since we're american" so, we went out to the grill only to be bullied and elbowed out of our grilling positions by a lot of korean women. seems our american style of grilling was unacceptable in their minds.
what is the difference, you ask? well, the fire is a lot higher here. and, they cut all the eat into bite size pieces just before pulling them off the grill (because everything must be eaten straight from serving plate to chopsticks to mouth).

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