Sunday, July 20, 2008

the goodbyes have begun

i am leaving soon.
i realize that.
i am 2 weeks shy of leaving korea, 3 weeks shy of arriving back in america.

and the goodbyes have begun.

my last session of tutoring my business man student was on friday. that made me surprisingly sad. he was a really good story teller and i feel like he is the first thing i've had to say goodbye to.

i have one week of teaching left. and, it'll be a strange week because it's the beginning of a four week "english camp" (a camp that is nothing like camp and everything like summer school for the kids). which means my whole week will be nothing like my routine meaning, it won't feel like anything i'm used to. the nice thing is that we'll be finished a tad earlier (4:30 instead of 6pm).

after finishing work (on this friday), i have a week of korea left (the one week that the school gives teacher's for summer generous, right?) in this week, there is talk of going to Busan, the popular beach on korea's southern tip. or, i might spend the whole time in seoul staying with my Finnish friend.

and, i've started to have that feeling when i'm about to leave a place and i want to properly savor each moment. and, in it all, there is still an element of surprise, disbelief that i'm actually almost done here. which kind of makes me worry that i might forget to say goodbye because i kind of forget that i'm leaving.

but, in 3 weeks this will all be a memory.

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