Thursday, July 03, 2008


these are some things that are currently on my mind:

1. i'm assuming that the american beef conflict has stretched beyond korea's borders. and, word on the street is that american beef is readily available as of this week and, word on the street is that it is deeply discounted. at the grocery store last night i asked the meat dude if he had american beef (be proud, i asked in korean). he just gave a big smile and said no.
from what i've heard, a lot places are afraid to sell it because of a fear of protesters or other nonsense.
one of the teachers enjoys randomly shouting "american beef!!!" in public.

2. i finished a book last night that was 796 pages long. i didn't even like it that much but, when you move to asia, you have to justify every ounce that was in your suitcase.

3. today is july 4th. (an obvious fact for most of you that i have unnecessarily pointed out ) for my july 4th i have no plans. enjoy your american beef hamburgers. no, no, i'm not jealous. no, no.

4. tomorrow i am going to seoul with my posse. i am excited but feeling uncharacteristically nostalgic because today marks my "one month till i leave this country" landmark. strange. sad. happy. confused. curious.

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