Friday, October 12, 2007

2 weeks in

I arrived to Seoul exactly two weeks from right about now. Oh my goodness. It's been a surprisingly extensive two weeks.
These are the highlights of this second week. (I'm trying here, ok?)

1. The teachers volunteer once a month at a local orphanage on Saturday afternoon. This was wonderful and heart wrenching. And sadly the only thing "volunteer" about what I was something I wouldn't miss even though I actual could.

2. I experienced for the first time the fascinating Korean phenomenum of entering a home, being shown in to the living room for a visit and having everyone sit on the floor...even though they have nice comfy sofas all around.

3. I helped Hannah lead worship on Sunday morning, the first time I actually felt like one of my real strengths was being applied since arriving to this place.

4. Hannah and I discovered this absurdly random "cafe house" 200 feet from our apartment (which, I remind you is in the middle of nowhere) with this fabulously artistic woman running the place. I will go much more into detail about this later...but it might just be my lifeline.

5. The preschool went on a fieldtrip to an organic farm. Fabulous.
6. I only cried on 3 separate occasions today.
7. Green Tea Cake. I feel I haven't fully lived prior to my experience this week with green tea cake.

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