Sunday, October 14, 2007

Another day in Seoul

The contrast is frightening because as much as I love Seoul, I am really not loving 90% of my job here. But, today I'm happy enough because yesterday was my second trip into Seoul with Hannah. And being in Seoul really is as wonderful as I could hope. We climbed Mt. Namsan (this mountain is surrounded by the city on all sides, offering amazing views of the never ending Seoul), we ate fabulous food at a fancy restaurant at the top of the mountain, we went to the "fashion mecca" and shopped like crazy people. And we ate very, very tall ice cream. The day was good. I did my best to savor every morsel of Seoul because taking the train home to our hole-in-the-mountain town is hard to swallow. But the day was really, really good. And I really, really love Seoul. But unfortunately Seoul is an extensive journey away.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Laura!
Your pictures and posts are so great! We continue to pray for you as you find your way in another world! From the outside looking in, it appears that you are experiencing some amazing things. Some, great and obviously others, not so great. But what's not to love about PBS?!?! OHMYGOSH, those pics of her are hysterical. And I LOVE the pics of you and Hannah experiencing Seoul. It looks like you are covering more ground than many people do in a lifetime. Regardless of the good, the bad and the ugly, you will come home with an experience few will ever even sample. And remember, each passing day gets you closer and closer to day zero! Keep the posts and pics coming, they truly are inspiring to look at and read. And in the meantime, we continue to think of you and pray for you! Oh, and remind me again, who is Hannah?
(Lia's mom:))