Tuesday, November 20, 2007

it SNOWED!!!!!

this morning, while I was still working up the courage to get out of bed, I heard Hannah's voice outside my window (her apartment's window is a mere 6 inches from mine, and we communicate daily through our windows, just never at 7 am).
"Laura! Laura!" Open your window!"
(our windows cannot be seen through unless you open them)
I opened my window.
This is what I saw.

In case you didn't know this about me, I am transformed into an 8 year old the second I see snow.

Driving out of our apartment building is a steep incline that the teachers learned this morning is impossible to get out of with snow. We would make it near the top, get stuck, back up, try again, almost make it, back up, try again... And, I confess, while this was happening all of us were praying that it wouldn't work, that we wouldn't make it, that we would maybe get a day off from this insanely thankless job. But, 12 tries later, after the landlord hand-dumped sand all across the top crest of the hill, the van popped over the top. Much to our dismay.
Apparently at our beloved school, they've never canceled school and haven't even heard of a two-hour delay. No worries that all the teachers almost died on the way to school, crazy obsessive Korean parents would throw a fit if their blessed child would miss a day. Because, as Hannah likes to remind me, every Korean parent literally thinks that their child is going to be the next Korean president. I hate to break it to those ridiculous parents that most of their children are far from president material.
Oh well, only 10 months and 8 days to go until my job here of teaching the awful children of disillusioned korean parents is complete. Not that i'm counting...

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