Monday, January 07, 2008

my bright idea

for about 4 minutes yesterday, i counted exactly how many days i have left in korea.
bad idea.
it is a lot of days.

i suppose i should have anticipated this, but my days back since being home for christmas have been exceptionally hard. i'm crawling out of my skin here. i had grown a thick skin, a numbness to it all in my first three months. then i went to america for 2 weeks and was ruined by all it's goodness. now i must again build up the crazy-school tolerance, fielding the numbness to the waves of frustration that crash against my face all day long in this palce.

but the teachers did go to the orphanage on saturday. and that was good.
and i did go to Seoul for New Year's Eve. that was good.
and, i've been enjoying korean food, i had been going through serious spice withdraw in america.
that has been good.
and the kids are still cute at school. that is good.
and, in comparison with my entire life, the amount of days that i have left in this place won't suffocate me (entirely).
that is very, very good.


Anonymous said...

never count days left. ever. it'll seem as though it doubles--as you probably noticed. :)

also, do check your mail frequently over the next few days. :)

Anonymous said...

Laura, hey I'm bored tonight. You know that you are my favorite person to hangout with when I am bored. If I had the money I'd be there visiting you, also I have an eye doctor appointment tomorrow so I should probably be home for that. Love you Laura! Emilie.