Tuesday, January 22, 2008

saturday: a wedding and seoul

a pastor who helps out at the church on sundays got married in seoul this weekend. though, in typical korean fashion, the teachers weren't actually invited, it was just assumed that we'd assume we were. i went because some korean girls from church/work had arranged that i would come with them to the wedding and then spend the day with them in seoul. so, i did.

it is my practice to observe as many foreign weddings as possible. weddings say a lot about a culture. this wedding resembled a western wedding in many ways. . though, we ate before the ceremony and the people i was with seemed in no hurry to get up to the sanctuary once the "warning bell" tolled. by the time we made it upstairs, the wedding was very much in progress.
supposedly the "eat before hand" practice is not common , but i completely endorse it because we got to eat fabulous food and not starve during the ceremony. plus, we could jet as soon as the ceremony was over. so, reception and ceremony totaled no more than 90 minutes. no complaints here.

i left the wedding with my new korean posse. two girls from church, one girl who teaches the korean kindergarten class at my school. they are fun and sweet. though, i speak only 10 words of their language and they speak (maybe) 20 words of my language. so, the day was good, but my arms ached after the day charades and my brain hurt after a full day of fill-in-the-blank.
and, even though it was so good to be with these new friends all day, it (sorta kinda) made me miss my old ones (a lot).

we went to Insadong and Myongdong, places that mean nothing to you if you've never been to korea. but, i highly recommend both neighborhoods for your next visit to seoul. we ate great korean food and went shopping and drank espresso. and it was good.

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