Wednesday, January 30, 2008

oh yeah

about my other "new experience" of the week:

i bit the bullet and went to a much-feared korean bath house (feared by me, not by the koreans).
if you don't know what this is, two words: unclothed and awkward.
the push that got me over my fear was that i really was in pain because of falling on some ice two days prior. And, I figured,...this whole country does it, it couldn't be that bad...
and, i will say, it was remarkably relaxing. according to the korean teacher i went with, "you have truly become Korean when you realize you love the bath house". that realization is yet to quite come.

considering that... this bath house experience took place within the same week as 4 acupuncture treatments, a lovely touch of korean food poisoning and a god-awful additional acupuncture treatment on my stomach, upon discovering my sickness (note: acupuncture on the stomach is something i pray no one has to experience) ... I now see myself as a stronger woman.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi from a fellow ex-Moody who found your blog... I forget how, it was ages ago. Just wanted to let you know, I love your stories... and how the heck did anyone convince you to get acupuncture on your stomach? Is it just... medical procedure, like it or not?

Geez. Brave woman.