Friday, October 05, 2007

After one week of Korea

Teaching English to kids is really just a boring job. Sure, maybe the kids are cute on occasion (though usually they're just loud) but really, the thing is, I don't like teaching English to kids. And, though I could list my list of awful cons about what this whole Korean teaching experience is turning out to be (and, I think i might just list that list one day soon), I most assuredly must cling to the truth (what I know that be true) that God is not a God who delights in screwing us over. And so, I am here. And yes, the nightmare of it sucking seems to be coming true. But I am here. And in the madness I feel as I anticipate a year of this situation, I have to believe that I am not just here to be screwed. More later...


Anonymous said...

Dearest Laura, You have been on my mind much since you left N.H. and in my prayers. Korea sounds like it's the challenge we had talked about it possibly being. Please know that you are not alone. God led many of His finest leaders through difficult wildernesses. I do not believe He has led you there by "mistake". Please write to me anytime you need to talk and know that you are loved and being upheld in prayer.(also some shin guards might be a good purchase!) Much love, Pam M.

Anonymous said...

wow! I'll keep praying...God is will survive with His grace. consider yourself hugged thru the internet! (O)