Friday, February 08, 2008

a night on the town with my korean posse

last week, my friends (Eunice and Katie) took me around Seoul. We went to this tiny hole-in-the-wall Korean BBQ place that I think is one of those places where "everyone knows your name"(except for my name, because in Korea, people can't actually pronounce my name). I did get a lot of smiles and stares though. It must be the hair. It was quite tasty, as usual. The food, not the hair. And then, because this is so Korean, we went to Dunkin Donuts for coffee and donuts.

Have I mentioned yet that I actually named Katie myself? Her Koren name is Gyung-Mi, so I was aiming for something that rhymed. The amazing thing about Koreans and their english names is just how quickly they embrace them. I had assumed that Eunice had her English name for years when I was officially introduced to her a few weeks ago. I discovered this past week that her name had been given to her the day before I met her. Fascinating.

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