Monday, February 18, 2008

of the past week

above: coppie,
above: this is adorable katie.
above: eating chinese food (again) esther, anna, becky)above: esther, at this "hunting lodge" restaurant up in the mountains that felt more like vermont than korea to me. according to my trusted korean sources, the place has horrible food but great atmosphere. i was adviced to only get coffee.
chinese food (again) with esther (again) and "david's mom". i'm sure she's got a name, but that's what she is always referred to and, when i was putting her number in my "handi-pone" (cell phone) she said "david's mom" when i got to the "name".
funny shopping mall. very.
above: adorable Eunice

this the waiter/fire stirrer at the hunting lodge bad food place. but oh, did they ever have atmosphere.

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