Sunday, August 10, 2008

a week has past that might as well be a lifetime

Bye Bye posse.

i'm back to the americas now.
currently sitting in house of my parents and marveling at how magnificent the thunderstorms seem here.
i've got a lot to catch you up on, considering that, in these last 7 days, i've been in asia, europe and america....considering that in these last 7 days i've traded kimchi for butter, korean for english and experience for memory. considering all that, we'll start with the last of my korean experience, my final night with my wonderful posse.

together, katie, eunice, hannah and i headed to east (?) of yangpyeong to eat my last korean meal. the girls kept saying "this restaurant is on a brook". i didn't fully understand.
but, when we arrived, i realized that there we were to literally sit on tables that were set up over a small creek. in between courses, we waded in the water. such a cool concept. just when i thought i had seen it all. the food was good, certainly enhanced by the atmosphere of eating in a brook. fun times.

after the meal, we headed into yangpyeong and went to Paris Baguette for coffee. only going there because at 10pm, the choices for a buying a cup of coffee are slim in our town.

then, after the coffee, we headed back to katie's place (my neighbor) where esther was waiting to say goodbye to me with ella. by the time i got back to my place it was nearly midnight.
i would be waking up at 5 am to get to the airport.

i was (thankfully) driven to the airport by my wonderful friends, eunice and hannah.

and, just like that, it was over, i caught my flight and korea was gone.

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