Tuesday, May 20, 2008

ketchup/catch up

this blog has entirely everything to do with catch up, nothing to do with ketchup.

may is apparently a month to be very very busy in korea.
the start of the month was children's day (which i've already explained) then, there is parents day (not a big deal for me) and teacher's day (a very big deal for me) and of course, Buddha's Birthday. We had the first 2 mondays of the month off (hallelujah and amen). the first for children's day, the second for Buddha's Birthday. And, i should add that, in that order, those are the 2 most important things to koreans.

so, in the following entries, i will catch you up on no less than 1 preschool fieldtrip to the aquarium, 1 church retreat to the mountain/sea, 1 birthday celebration for a member of my korean posse and a smattering of other delightful korean episodes.

this picture, however, has nothing to do with anything else. Mr. Pizza has intrigued me from day one in korea. i find the marketing approach so strange. "Mr Pizza, made for women" though, there is nothing else about the restaurant that is especially "womeny". so, i don't know, did i go here because i was attracted to it as a woman? i guess we'll never know.

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