Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Costco is a really big hit in korea. there are something like 5 costcos in Seoul. that's seems a bit excessive in my opinion but, i am not the one deciding these things. regardless, i admit that, when i made a trip to Costco last month and again on this past friday night with my super nice neighborhoods, it was a bit like walking into a small america. and, when you've been away from america for 7 months, walking into a small america can be really exciting. think peanut M&Ms and heinz ketchup, think hot dogs and potato chips.
Koreans, in yet another one of my sweeping generalizations, seem to be really pro-quality. apparently walmart came to korea and flopped because it wasn't "quality" enough for the average korean joe. but Costco, koreans love it.
jonathan fell asleep on the way there, so they just put him in the cart and piled the food around him. quite amusing considering that i stood beside the cart for about 30 seconds before i even realized he was in there.

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