Friday, April 25, 2008

field trip!

one rather large coach bus.
14 kids from our preschool plus 30 kids from the "downstairs
no english" preschool.
seven people above the age of six.
and, one rather entertaining childrens' museum in seoul.

the preschool went on a field trip to Samsung Children's museum last friday. it was mostly fun because it was a change of pace. plus, i must admit, as a non-kid the memories of the thrill of a field trip are not hard to tap into.

i mean, who doesn't love a field trip?

our kids are the ones in red. the other class is wearing the gray and red sweatsuits. maybe i'm bias, but our kids are cuter.

the highlight of the day (besides of course my posing as a 3 foot tall chef) was at lunch when every kid busted out their packed lunches. in korea, it is apparently custom for the parents to pack lunch for the teachers too, and any stow-aways, and half of Seoul, just in case.
Because, in korea, it is culturally expected to over do it in everything. So, every kid had enough to cover their meals for the next week plus feed all the teachers.

that equals a lot of food.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think you should make that chef picture a profile picture ;) its very becoming