Monday, June 09, 2008


Last week i had the urge to do another late night Dondaemun market run. i asked around at church to see if anyone wanted to go/drive. it ended up being 8 of us stuffed into the teacher's van. from the teachers: yoon, david, rizza and i. and of the koreans: eunice, jacqueline, ella and daniel.
we had no school on friday (memorial day or something) so we headed out on thursday at about 10pm...and arrived home after 4 am. fun times. i could describe it, explain and justify why it's fun to do the market at 3 am but, you just have to experience it yourself to really understand.
but, this is all can say:
shopping for randoms things that you didn't know you wanted until you saw them, hundreds of people cramming through small walk ways to look at knock offs of every brand imaginable and eating dukbukgee, mandu and soondae at 2:30 am.

that's the life.

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