Friday, June 27, 2008


Seoul is inexhaustible.

Walking out of school on thursday evening, Esther invited me to go into to Seoul that evening. she was meeting up with some old college friends. so, being the "ever up for an adventure" girl that i strive to be, i said yes. who needs rest when you're in asia?

we went to the Hyewa area. and, as i am always thinking, seoul is undeniably, unavoidably, inexhaustible. i have been going to seoul consistently for 9 months now and still feel like i am nowhere near seeing all there is to see. i will see a new place and think, "how have i not been here yet?" so many places are worth seeing, so many streets worth exploring.
Hyewa is college-y and hip. it has a thrilling blend of familiarity (seeing starbucks, kfc and krispy kreme really can be good for the soul when one misses america) and a smattering of unique, refreshing establishments.
i just don't understand how so many restaurants, stores, cafes stay alive in this country. there are millions living here yes, and these millions all seem to love to eat but, i'm still convinced that there are more places to eat in korea then in all of america. this country just knows how to pack it in. and that is not a bad thing.

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