Friday, June 27, 2008

school's out?

yesterday, school technically finished for the "non-preschool" students of ANCA. although breaks and "finished" is all relative here in korea.
these people do not believe in taking breaks, in resting or, in allowing their children to rest.
(save for the public baths, of course, which seems to be the only place that people here justify relaxation).
preschool goes year round here because "the parents demand it" (annoying and slightly messed up in my opinion) and the other students start an "intensive program" next week, followed by an "english camp" in august. so, though the students' school year is over, the "intensive program" is merely school with a different name and "english camp" is anything but what the word camp implies.
but regardless, on friday night there was a party for the "end" of school at our neighbor's (ella and daniel's) i popped in for the food and some hellos and then went and made 6 pounds of pasta salad for sunday's church lunch.

so, happy end of school to everyone, for whatever its worth.

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